Colorado Fall Foliage

It is that time of year again, FALL.  My favorite season!  We took the Guanella Pass scenic drive today.  We discovered a surprise along this beautiful scenic byway.  I truly didn’t realize that AUTUMN was here.  It is hard to tell in the city.  But, tucked away along the windy road that leads up to the Guanella Pass Summit is a hidden treasure.  Aspen trees line the winding road.  Bright yellow pops appear out of nowhere.  So many Aspen trees gleaming with yellow dance along the road.  If you are lucky you can catch a glimpse of Aspens that actually look orange.  Along the green mountainsides, tucked quietly and almost secretively are the quintessential Aspens that truly define a Colorado AutumnFall in Colorado is a little bit different than let’s say Fall in the Northeast.  The Rocky Mountains display an unimaginable beauty during the Fall.  The sweet golden yellow that subtly protrudes through the massive green forests is breathtaking.  Beautiful Aspens line pathways and lead visitors to tranquility.  The air is crisp and quiet.Even the sky seems happier peering down on the beautiful Aspen trees.Tall, thin, and statuesque, Apsen trees stand with authority.

Winter will come quickly in Colorado.  Now is the time to load the car and take a road trip to see the beautiful Aspen trees in all of their glory.  I suggest taking the Guanella Pass scenic byway.  There are lots of places to pull the car over and take breathtaking pictures.Past posts about Guanella Pass and Colorado Fall foliage:

Pho on 6th in Denver, Colorado

I learned the hard way that Pho is pronounced Fu.  Like saying the F word but eliminating the ck.  We went to Pho on 6th not once but twice because it is super good and pretty inexpensive.  A bowl of traditional Pho is $8.00.  Not bad.  And the Pho is super filling.  If I get sick this winter I want my husband to bring home some Pho (traditional with shredded chicken…hint…..hint) ;).I just love it!  Please refer to handy dandy Wikipedia for the Pho definition. These are the decadent extras that you add to your Pho.  Be careful!  The jalapenos have a kick!My husband always orders meat!  Why?  I keep him vegetarian as much as I can at home.  When we eat out he has freedom :).  He takes advantage of this freedom by ordering meat combinations.  This traditional Pho meat combination was only $8.00 too!I highly recommend a trip to Pho on 6th.  Wonderful fulfilling food for a great price.  If you go to Pho on 6th please tell me what you think.

Pho on 6

1312 East 6th Avenue  Denver, CO 80218

Thank you to my dear friend B.L.P.  Love the Chrome and even used it to post on my blog!

El Camino Community Tavern

I have no excuses!  However, I am going to make some :)!  Working is a huge time suck.  Period.  With this being said (we need two incomes and I do love my new job).  I have not had a chance to devote time to my blog.  I love to blog about Colorado.  I truly wish that blogging about Colorado was my job but (I am taking a deep sigh) I have to work.  With that being said it is high time I revisit El Camino.  I have blogged about El Camino Community Tavern ( but we go so often that it deserves another shout out.  We went tonight.  Usually we go on Tuesday nights because El Camino offers $1.00 Street Tacos.  But, tonight we went on a Wednesday and it was half off bottles of wine.  That is what I am talking about!  The first picture is of Ceviche ($9.95) and my bottle of Pinot (1/2 off).Once again we started eating before I decided to take a picture.  The Ceviche (fresh shrimp, tomato, red and white onion, cucumber, cilantro, avocado, habanero, and lime juice, traditional mexican fare served with tortilla chips) is actually served with diced avocado and cilantro on top but we started eating before I realized I needed to snap a quick picture for the blog.  So good!

I am addicted to the Tacos de Papas $8.95 (sauteed poblano peppers, onions, and potatoes with onion topped with cheddar jack cheese served with toamtillo salsa on the side).  These actually are served in 3’s but of course I ate one before taking the picture.  One day I will learn….I promise.

My husband ordered the Enchiladas $8.95 (three enchiladas of either cheese, chicken, carnitas or beef.  Choice of red chili, green chili, mole, or jalapeño mushroom sauce.  Served with rice and beans)My husband ordered one chicken, one beef, and one carnitas.  The sauces on his enchiladas are mole and green chile.

I love El Camino for the following reasons:

  • The service is excellent!
  • The food is fantastic!
  • The drinks are tantalizing!
  • They always make us feel valued!
  • El Camino is located in one of my favorite neighborhoods–Highlands!

Please visit El Camino soon and tell Shannon that Heather from love living in Colorado sent you!

El Camino Community Tavern
3628 W. 32nd Ave
Denver, CO 80211

Take Back the Movies in Colorado

On August 11, 2012 I went to see the movie Hope Springs with a couple of friends.  On our way to the movie theater the July 20, 2012 shootings in Aurora crossed my mind.  I felt a little bit of anxiety.  When we got to the theater there was a group of people standing outside with black shirts on and these words, “take back the movies.”  A lady approached us and gave us 3 movie tickets for free.  She explained that the group of people outside were there on behalf of the victims and the people that were affected by the July 20th shootings in Aurora.  Along with the tickets she gave us a piece of paper that stated this:

We’re spreading some light in the dark!  On July 20, one man crept into a darkened movie theater in Aurora and turned a night of fun into something terrible.  He took something from our community, so tonight we’re giving it back.  We want to give you the gift of a night at the movies.  This isn’t a fundraiser, it isn’t a protest.  It’s your community’s gift to you.  Go, enjoy, and after the movie, go spread some light in return.

We were awestruck by the generosity and also emotional.  As we walked into the theater and sat down and watched the previews I tried to put myself in the shoes of the patrons that night in Aurora.  I couldn’t.  I ended up scaring myself a little and getting a bit of anxiety.  I can’t imagine sitting in the theater eating popcorn, watching the big movie screen, and waiting with anticipation for the movie to start only to have life cut short in minutes of horror.  This post is dedicated to everyone that was at the theater the night of the July 20th shootings.  This post is also dedicated to the folks who are volunteering their time with “take back the movies.”  Here is a quote from the “take back the moviesblog:

On August 11, we’re taking Denver to the movies. We’re going to go to as many theaters as we can and pay for everyone’s movie tickets.  Our message is simple: “Tonight, the movie’s on us. Go, enjoy. This isn’t a fundraiser, it’s not a memorial service. Some jerk tried to steal a night of fun from all of us. Tonight, we’re giving it back.”

I believe in paying it forward and this is exactly what this group is doing.  Bravo!  This is why Colorado is a great place to live!

Please visit the Take Back the Movies blog

Sweet Action Ice Cream in Denver, Colorado

We went to Sweet Action Ice Cream the other day.  It is located at 52 Broadway in Denver, Colorado.  It is a very unique ice cream experience.  The flavors are what make Sweet Action Ice Cream a very memorable experience. 

For the life of me I can’t figure out where I stumbled upon Sweet Action Ice Cream.  I am glad I did because it is a very popular spot.  The line to get a scoop was out the door!

I ordered a scoop of Lemon Ricotta and a scoop of Mascarpone Chili Blackberry.  I really liked both flavors.  I wish the chili was a bit spicier (love spice) in the Mascarpone Chili Blackberry.  I loved the gritty texture of the ricotta in the Lemon Ricotta.My husband ordered a scoop of Mint Chip.  Boring!  He enjoyed his flavor and that is all that matters 🙂

I really loved the use of chalkboards throughout Sweet Action Ice Cream.  I really liked this sign about different cones.  I thought everyone knew the different cones.The experience at Sweet Action Ice Cream was great.  I recommend a visit soon.

Another added bonus:  there is lots of great shopping around Sweet Action Ice Cream.  These green pumps are from true love which is located a couple of shops down from Sweet Action Ice Cream.  Aren’t they cute?  I plan on wearing them with a black and white pin striped skirt.

The View at the Top of Pikes Peak

The drive up to Pikes Peak encompasses so much beauty and awe inspiring views that I had to break up the posts into several different topics.  This post is dedicated to the view at the top of Pikes Peak.  I can’t even begin to describe how gorgeous and breathless (literally) the view leaves you.  I joked with my husband and said that we are so close to the sky that I can actually see flight attendants serving drinks in the airplanes above!  This is the second 14er that we have had the opportunity to experience.  Granted we didn’t hike the 14ers but we still made it to the top (in a car).  I recommend a drive up to Pikes Peak immediately.  You can experience all of Colorado‘s glory in one drive.  Weather changes, varying landscape, the Rocky Mountains, and of course cooler temperatures.  For more information on Pikes Peak please visit–

I like the picture above because you can really see the treeline.  I never knew what a treeline was until we moved here.  A treeline can be roughly defined as the “elevation where tree density declines or drops to zero.”

In this picture (above) you can see lots of green.  In the picture below all rocks!I can’t lie, on this particular trip I was feeling a little breathless and anxious.  I do have to admit that I drank a little too much coffee on the way to Pikes Peak and we didn’t eat.  Thank goodness they have a little cafe at the top.  Next time we will have to come better prepared.  I usually pack food but didn’t this time.  Note to self:  pack food and water whenever we take a drive.

Pikes Peak Cog Railway

When we went up to Pikes Peak we decided to drive.  The cost to ride the Cog Railway is $35.00 per person.  I didn’t really budget for that expense.  Riding on the railway is on our “to do” list- but it will have to wait for now.  So, I lived vicariously through the folks that did ride the railway to the top of Pikes Peak.  I was able to take some great photos of the railway.  One of the conductors (not sure if this is the correct term for the driver of the Cog Railway) allowed me inside the Cog Railway to get some stellar pictures.  If these pictures entice you to take the Cog Railway up to Pikes Peak then I did my job!:)  For more information about riding the Cog Railway please visit the following websites:

General information:

Rates, times, coupons:


A view of the tracks.The front of the railway.  The views in the distance are priceless. A look inside the railway.  Very clean and tidy.  A million dollar view from the window.Round trip on the railway is 3 hours and 10 minutes.  At the top of the peak they give you a chance to look at the views, shop at the highest gift shop in America, use the restroom, and grab a bite to eat.  They let you know it is time to board and leave the peak by letting off a really loud whistle type noise.  For more information on the railway route please visit–

How did I do?  Did this post entice you to travel the Cog Railway?  If so, “All Aboard!”  Have a good weekend!

Pikes Peak and the Road to Heaven

I know that lately I incessantly talk about the heat here in Colorado.  I am sorry.  However, in my defense (which I have a good one) we don’t have central air conditioning and I just heard on our local news that July was a record breaker as far as heat is concerned.  See, there is my justification for whining about the heat:)  On to the positive….we try to be as proactive as we can on the weekends to beat the heat so we headed to Pikes Peak.  In Colorado, the higher the elevation the cooler the temperatures.  There is no better way to cool off naturally than to drive to an elevation of 14,110 feet.  I feel blissful when I see the temperature gauge in the car drop.  It is the most exciting feeling to see 95 degrees drop to 58 degrees.  Amazing!  The pictures in this post are of the drive up to Pikes Peak.  I will post more pictures of the view up at the top of Pikes Peak in a different post.  FYI–I had to wear my fleece at the top of Pikes Peak–:)The picture above shows the beginning of the drive.  There is a fee to drive to the top of Pikes Peak.  We paid $12.00 per person.When driving to a higher elevation in Colorado you never know what kind of weather to expect.  The pictures show clouds and then sun.  You can also expect rain, thunder, lightning, hail, and even snow.The road that leads you to the top of Pikes Peak is very windy.  But, the views are phenomenal.  I like this picture.  I am not sure what I was trying to capture but I love the way the sun has reflected itself on the mountain.  There is also a faint rainbow image just below the clouds.

Do you like the heat?  I prefer the fall and the winter.  I feel like it is easier to get warm than to cool off. 

Manitou Cliff Dwellings in Colorado

It was another H.O.T day in Denver and we decided to head to Pikes Peak to get some relief from the mid 90’s temperatures.  Please keep in mind we don’t have central air conditioning so the little house we live in can get pretty toasty.  We got sidetracked on our way to Pikes Peak.  I saw the sign for the Manitou Cliff Dwellings off of Highway 24 and we decided to make a detour.  I am glad we did!  We haven’t been able to make it to Mesa Verde National Park to see cliff dwellings so Manitou Cliff Dwellings will have to suffice for now (and it did!).

This Old Hopi Proverb greets visitors as they enter the cliff dwellings.There is a fee to enter the cliff dwellings.  We paid $9.50 plus tax for two adults.  The fees for 2012 can be found here–

I really enjoyed our visit to the Manitou Cliff Dwellings.  They encourage you to explore the dwellings, room by room, using the self-guided tour.  Each room/dwelling had a very detailed description of how the specific space was used.This is a sacred Kiva used by the tribal men as a ceremonial chamber.

When you visit the Manitou Cliff Dwellings you enter into the world of the Anasazi also known as the Ancient Ones or the Ancestral Puebloans.  The people of this advanced culture existed in the Four Corners area from 1100 A.D. to 1300 A.D.

While visiting the Manitou Cliff Dwellings don’t forget to visit the Pueblo, museum, and the gift shop.  The view from the Manitou Cliff Dwellings is beautiful.  The Manitou Cliff Dwellings are a short drive from Denver.  The Manitou Cliff Dwellings are one of the most accessible examples of cliff dwellings architecture anywhere.Plan your next adventure by visiting–

Vinue Food and Wine Bar in Denver, Colorado

My friend and I recently went to Vinue Food and Wine Bar in Cherry Creek North.  I had my eye on this little gem for some time now.  I ventured into the wine bar during the Cherry Creek Arts Festival to see what it was all about.  To be honest, it was blistering hot at the Cherry Creek Arts Festival and walking into the wine bar gave me an excuse to enjoy some air conditioning (please refer to this post about my thoughts on a/c–  I was impressed with the lovely decor and the wine bar owners and staff were extremely kind and welcoming.  The wine bar has a very classy and grown-up feel to it without being overly pretentious.  Vinue offers Happy Hour from 4pm-7pm.  This is great news because some Happy Hours end way too soon and we can never make it in time.  I knew when my friend visited that I would have to take her to the wine bar.  We left the husbands at home and headed to Vinue.  We had a great time!  We made it in time for Happy Hour.  We started off with the $5.00 house wines.  We decided to try 3 wines each.  I had two Roses and a Pinot Noir and she had a Rose, Pinot Noir, and Chardonnay.  I loved the Rose and the Pinot–in our defense we haven’t seen each other in 7 years so we had to get caught up and what better way to do that than over a glass of wine or two or three! 🙂

We ordered food off of the Happy Hour menu. The Happy Hour food is awesome.  We ordered the kettle chips with warm bleu cheese mornay sauce for $4.00.  It was just as delicious as it looks. 

We ordered goat cheese trufflesEach goat cheese truffle is separately rolled in black pepper, toasted walnut, and scallions.  The goat cheese truffles are served with red onion jam and crostinis.  We ordered all three for $9.00.  So good and the presentation was fantastic!Our last appetizer was the half flat bread with tomato and basil pesto with five-cheese blend for $4.00.  I love anything with pesto and this flat bread was wonderful.

Vinue Food and Wine Bar is a wonderful establishment.  I can’t wait to go back.  If you are in the Cherry Creek North area I highly recommend a trip to the wine bar.  They are located at:

2817 E. 3rd Ave.
Denver, CO 80206

(720) 287-1156